BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//91视频官网入口 in the Community - ECPv6.10.2//NONSGML v1.0//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH X-WR-CALNAME:91视频官网入口 in the Community X-ORIGINAL-URL: X-WR-CALDESC:Events for 91视频官网入口 in the Community REFRESH-INTERVAL;VALUE=DURATION:PT1H X-Robots-Tag:noindex X-PUBLISHED-TTL:PT1H BEGIN:VTIMEZONE TZID:Europe/London BEGIN:DAYLIGHT TZOFFSETFROM:+0000 TZOFFSETTO:+0100 TZNAME:BST DTSTART:20250330T010000 END:DAYLIGHT BEGIN:STANDARD TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 TZOFFSETTO:+0000 TZNAME:GMT DTSTART:20251026T010000 END:STANDARD END:VTIMEZONE BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250313T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250313T110000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250219T153951Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250303T105146Z SUMMARY:91视频官网入口 Response Forum: Navigating the Evolving Challenges of EDI DESCRIPTION:In response to recent member enquiries\, BITC is hosting a one-hour online forum to explore the increasing pushback on EDI policies.\n\n\nThis is a repeat of the 91视频官网入口 Response Forum taking place on 27 February. Please do not book to attend this event if you have already booked to attend the original date. \nAudience\nThis event is open to all 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) member organisations and has been designed for HR Leads and EDI Leads. Registrations are limited to two places per organisation. If you would like more of your team to attend\, please email to be added to the waiting list. \n\n\nAbout the event\nIn response to recent member enquiries\, BITC is hosting a one-hour\, confidential\, online forum to explore the shifting landscape of Equity\, Diversity\, and Inclusion (EDI) and the increasing pushback on EDI policies\, particularly in the US. \nThe session will be introduced by Shannon Rivers\, BITC鈥檚 Director of Inclusion and Wellbeing Advisory\, before members participate in breakout rooms designed to encourage peer-to-peer learning\, discussion\, and deeper engagement. To foster an open and candid exchange\, the discussion will not be recorded and will follow Chatham House rules. \nThis forum offers a valuable opportunity for members to: \n\nShare insights on how businesses are responding to these challenges\nDiscuss adaptations to EDI strategies\, language\, and positioning\nLearn from peers about best practices and evolving approaches\n\nWe hope you can join us for this important conversation. \n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\nContact\, Event Manager\, BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/business-response-forum-navigating-the-evolving-challenges-of-edi-2/ LOCATION:Online ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/ec6a54107b7c649a22dbb8885318e067.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250317T180000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250317T200000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250204T164248Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250204T164940Z SUMMARY:Pride of Place 鈥 together lifting up the UK DESCRIPTION:Join us to learn about the future of place-based regeneration\, network with others\, and hear more about how you can get involved.\n\n\nThis is an in person event. \nAudience\nThis is an invite only event for parliamentarians and business leaders interested in Place-making. \n\n\nAbout the Event\n91视频官网入口 in the Community have been successfully delivering place-based initiatives for over four decades and as we reach more places\, we want to share what works\, and crucially how business and government can work in partnership to positively impact millions of lives. Hear about the future of place-based regeneration as we share our approach though the launch of our national prospectus. \n\n\nRefreshments\nLight refreshments will be served. \n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\nContact\, Events Manager at BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/pride-of-place-together-lifting-up-the-uk/ LOCATION:London ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/057ebbc097ef1e50e3da6e760de5af22.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250318T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250318T113000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250206T100719Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250228T121729Z SUMMARY:Peer Learning Forum: Tackling Social Mobility DESCRIPTION:Interactive session on sharing some of the approaches that businesses are taking to consider their role in addressing social mobility.\n\n\nThis is an online event. \nAudience\n91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) members who have advisory in their membership package. Our Peer Learning Forums (PLF) are now open to all members who have advisory in their membership package 鈥 hosted by our issue experts\, there are 20 forums a year\, covering a range of responsible business areas and enabling our members to discuss challenges\, solutions and ideas. \nThis event is especially suited to managers and practitioners working in Social impact\, social value/community investment\, CSR and responsible business\, Diversity and inclusion\, and Human resources/People Management. \n\n\nBackground\nIn 2022/23\, six million people 鈥 or four in 10 of those in poverty 鈥 were in very deep poverty\, with an income far below the standard poverty line. More than twice as many (over 12 million people) had experienced very deep poverty in at least one year between 2017/18 and 2020/21.*聽 \nMeanwhile\, a report by Demos the Co-op revealed 鈥榯hat the UK economy is missing out on 拢19bn in GDP growth every year due to a systemic failure to promote greater social mobility in the workplace鈥 and businesses investing in 鈥榮trategies that support greater social mobility\, 鈥ould equate to a 拢1.8bn rise in private sector business profits.鈥 In addition\, BITC鈥檚 State of the Nation 2024 report found that attracting and retaining talent is one of the greatest challenges facing 57% of CEOs\, especially in green and digital skills\, but many leaders are innovating new\, socially responsible ways of securing their talent pipeline\, while tackling social mobility and local deprivation. \nSocial mobility is a systemic issue that no one business can tackle alone. \n\n\nAbout the event\nBITC鈥檚 approach to social mobility and the support we provide to our members is informed by our organisational Theory of Change and our Social Mobility Framework\, in addition to best practice collated from across our membership. This Peer Learning Forum will share some of the approaches that businesses are taking to consider their role in addressing social mobility\, whilst providing a forum to discuss and explore collaboration opportunities between participants. \nBITC Social Impact Advisory support helps businesses build sustainable and impactful interventions co-designed with their communities\, driving inclusive economic growth. Our Social Impact Advisers support companies to understand leading practice principles of social impact\, co-designing solutions with their communities\, leading to sustainable impact within society and the business. 鈥 We are working with companies to create truly responsible societies and systemic change. \n\nSpeakers\nWe will be joined by: \n\nMichelle Amileke\, Responsible 91视频官网入口 & Sustainability Manager\, Lewis Silkin\nOla Kolade\, Education\, Employment & Skills Director\, 91视频官网入口 in the Community\n\n\nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact the Events team for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community \n\nReferences聽\n* (UK Poverty 2025\, JRF ( URL:/event/peer-learning-forum-tackling-social-mobility/ LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Peer Learning Forums ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-responsible-business-plf2-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250318T183000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250318T210000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20240708T161652Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241113T101123Z SUMMARY:CEO Leadership Forum - Dinner DESCRIPTION:This event provides the opportunity to share your experiences\, successes and ideas regarding鈥痶he key challenges facing the world and society. \n\n\n\nThis is an in person event. \n\n\n\nAudience\n\n\n\nThis event is by invitation only and for CEOs. \n\n\n\nBackground\n\n\n\nAs part of 91视频官网入口 in the Community鈥檚 work in supporting businesses to drive transformation at pace and scale in our communities\, we are holding a series of聽CEO Leadership Forum Dinner聽events. \n\n\n\nAbout the event\n\n\n\nThese informal\, private discussions over dinner will form a key part of the national conversation initiated by BITC鈥檚聽Lifting up the UK: State of the Nation 2024 report\, which detailed the thoughts of the leaders of some of the UK鈥檚 largest businesses on what has been done and what is still needed to change the world around us. As such\, they provide CEOs with the opportunity to share their experiences\, successes and ideas regarding key challenges in the world and society today\, as well as the action that can collectively be taken to make a positive difference and change the world around us. \n\n\n\nIf you are unable to join this date we are also holding more dinners in the coming months\, to join another date instead\,聽click here. \n\n\n\nWe are currently finalising dates for our 2025 CEO Leadership Forum Breakfasts and look forward to sharing details with you shortly. To join us at a CEO Leadership Forum Breakfast instead\,聽click here. \n\n\n\nRefreshments\n\n\n\nDinner will be served. \n\n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\n\n\n\nContact Fiona Macleod\, Head of Events at BITC for any further questions.\n\n\n\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\n\n\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/ceo-leadership-forum-dinners-2025/2025-03-18/ LOCATION:London EC2Y\, United Kingdom CATEGORIES:Responsible 91视频官网入口 and Strategy ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-leadership-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250320T103000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250320T120000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250121T163251Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250213T112542Z SUMMARY:Peer Learning Forum: Stress and Burnout Prevention at Work DESCRIPTION:Join us to discuss workplace stress and burnout\, share insights\, and learn best practices to foster healthier work environments.\n\n\nThis is an online event. \nAudience\n91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) members who have advisory in their membership package. Our Peer Learning Forums (PLF) are now open to all members who have advisory in their membership package 鈥 hosted by our issue experts\, there are 20 forums a year\, covering a range of responsible business areas and enabling our members to discuss challenges\, solutions and ideas. \nThis event is especially suited to leaders in HR\, Wellbeing\, Diversity\, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I)\, as well as those in people management and health and safety roles. \n\n\nAbout the event\nThe World Health Organisation has recognised burnout as an 鈥榦ccupational phenomenon鈥 and have described it as a state of physical\, mental and emotional exhaustion which can occur if someone has experienced long-term stress and constant pressure. \nAccording to a recent report from Mental Health UK\, 鈥渙ne in five workers (20%) needed to take time off due to poor mental health caused by pressure or stress in the past year鈥 and the Health and Safety Executive have stated that 17.1 million working days were lost in 2022/23 due to work-related stress\, despite it being an employer鈥檚 legal duty to prevent work-related stress. \nIn this peer learning forum\, we will provide an overview of stress in the workplace\, how to identify stress and burnout\, and actions organisations can take to reduce stress and burnout at work. \nThe event will also feature time for peer discussions\, allowing participants to learn from each other鈥檚 experiences\, share insights\, and explore best practices with those in their industry. \nTo foster open and honest dialogue\, this conversation will be conducted under Chatham House rules\, and this event will not recorded. \n \n \n \nGuest speaker聽\n\nLaura Hollies\, Mental Wellbeing Specialist\, National Grid\n\n\n\nAgenda\n\nStress in the workplace: through an intersectional lens\nWhat does burnout mean for business?\nActions organisations can take to prevent prolonged stress and burnout in the workplace\nBreak out discussions: Insights and experiences of managing and preventing stress and burnout at work\n\n\n\nAbout 91视频官网入口 in the Community鈥檚 Peer Learning Forums\nBITC鈥檚 Peer Learning Forums provide a confidential environment to discuss common issues\, solutions\, and good practice. There will be an emphasis on discussion and sharing experiences. All contributions from businesses will be confidential within the group and won鈥檛 be shared externally by BITC. \nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact Jessica Hart\, Event Coordinator\, BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/peer-learning-forum-stress-and-burnout-prevention-at-work/ LOCATION:Online event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/9e0eeb56c12c38fbc08d13e73e453347.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250325T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250325T110000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20241114T144635Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250228T091524Z SUMMARY:Race Equality Campaign 30 Year Anniversary Event DESCRIPTION:Join us to learn the key actions for UK employers to promote fairness and equality to create truly inclusive workplaces ready for the future.\n聽\n\n\nThis is an online event. \nAudience\nThis is event is open to both members and non-members of 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC). It would be of interest to anyone who has signed the Race at Work Charter or who participated in the 鈥楲eadership\, employees and procurement鈥 YouGov survey\, particularly leaders and Executive Sponsors for Race. \n\n\nBackground\n2025 marks the 30th anniversary of the BITC Race Equality campaign. We will be sharing some fresh insights and updated evidence on trends linked to the Race at Work Charter captured within our most recent Leadership\, Employees\, and Procurement survey\, with YouGov in June 2024. This new data fed into our Diverse and Inclusive Supply Chains Insights report and builds on the evidence gathered in our Race at Work Survey series (2015鈥2021)\, providing a deeper understanding of racial disparities\, fairness and access to opportunities in UK workplaces. \n\n\nAbout the event\nThrough consultations with current and past leaders from the BITC Race Leadership Team\, senior business leaders\, and leading academics\, we have identified key actions for UK employers to drive equality and fairness. \nKey Focus Areas: \n\nEvolving the Role of the Executive Sponsor for Race: In 2015 32% of employees said they had an executive sponsor for race. What is the picture now? What is the role of the executive sponsor in driving change and galvanising leadership commitment at the top and how can this be further enhanced for impact?\nDiversifying the Pipeline to Senior Leadership: What concrete steps must employers take to include the widest range of talent in their organisations in their leadership pipelines and open pathways to the 鈥渢op table鈥 for underrepresented talent with the intersections of ethnicity and social background\, age\, gender\, and disability?\nLeveraging Data for Inclusion: How can data-driven insights help to shape racial equality and fairness strategies and track progress?\n\nAdditionally\, we will be publishing an insights paper and toolkit at this event. This event provides a unique opportunity to understand how you can use these insights to reinforce your commitments to race inclusion and drive impactful change within your organisation. \n\n\nSpeakers\nSandra Kerr CBE\, Race Equality Director\, 91视频官网入口 in the Community will be chairing the event\, and we are delighted to have some speakers already secured: \nAlbertha Charles Partner PWC Global and UK Asset and Wealth Management Leader and member of BITC Race Leadership Team \nJustin Onuekwusi\, Chief Investment Officer\, St James鈥檚 Place (SJP) and member of BITC Race Leadership Team \nRichard Iferenta\, Partner and Vice Chair\, KPMG\, and BITC Race Leadership Team Chair \n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\nContact any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/race-equality-30-years-on-leadership/ LOCATION:Online webinar CATEGORIES:Race Equality ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-race1-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250325T120000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250325T130000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20240419T143554Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241212T142030Z SUMMARY:Let's Care Together - Programme Introduction (for Employers) DESCRIPTION:This webinar is for employers and wellbeing leads to introduce our new virtual befriending initiative to support carer鈥檚 wellbeing. \n\n\n\nAudience \n\n\n\nThis is a virtual event open to employers\, wellbeing leads and employee carer networks. \n\n\n\nBackground \n\n\n\n91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) and leading healthcare provider Simplyhealth\, have come together to co-create the聽Let鈥檚 Care Together聽programme. \n\n\n\nResearch shows that unpaid carers have worse wellbeing outcomes than non-carers\,聽and are likely to be time-poor due to their caring responsibilities*. The programme aims to support carers by streamlining access to resources and providing practical support across the four pillars of wellbeing: Physical\, Mental\, Social and Financial. This support will include helping people with caring responsibilities to connect with friends and family\, community groups and wider support\, find wellbeing information and gain financial confidence. \n\n\n\nOur volunteer befrienders will work on a one-to-one basis with each carer on one or all of the following\, depending on their preference: 鈥 \n\n\n\n\nIncreasing connection to their local community\, improving overall social wellbeing and reducing any feelings of isolation. 鈥媆n\n\n\nSupporting financial independence and knowledge of financial tools/support available.鈥媆n\n\n\nAccess to practical support and tools for their physical wellbeing. 鈥媆n\n\n\nBeing a regular listening ear and friendly face to offer support and guidance.鈥媆n\n\n\n\nAbout this event\n\n\n\nIn this webinar you will learn how our Let鈥檚 Care Together programme can support unpaid carers (over 18) with their wellbeing\, through pairing them with an online befriender. \n\n\n\nJoin this session to learn more about how your beneficiaries\, or colleagues with caring responsibilities could benefit from the programme. \n\n\n\nSpeakers \n\n\n\nUsha Manojkanth 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nSimon Walters 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nMichelle Brannen 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\n\n\n\nEmail\, for any further questions.\n\n\n\nThe session will take place on Teams.\n\n\n\nJoining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\n\n\n\nAbout 91视频官网入口 in the Community \n\n\n\n91视频官网入口 in the Community is the largest and longest-established movement dedicated to responsible business in the UK\, formed in 1982 and with HM The King as our Royal Founding Patron. Together with our network of businesses we are leading the UK to create a fair and sustainable world in which to live and work. \n\n\n\n*Carers UK 2022 鈥 Unpaid carers continue to suffer poorer health- with some groups adversely affected. URL:/event/lets-care-together-programme-introduction-for-employers-3/2025-03-25/ LOCATION:Online webinar CATEGORIES:Health and Wellbeing ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-lets-care-together-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250327T090000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250327T150000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250115T142949Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250117T102837Z SUMMARY:The King's Seeing is Believing Visit in Glasgow\, Scotland DESCRIPTION:The visit will bring key insights on factors impacting social mobility in towns and cities across Scotland and solutions to these challenges\n聽\nThis is an in person event.\n聽\nAudience\n聽\nC-Suite 鈥 attendance by invitation only. To express interest in attending\, please complete the booking form and the Seeing is Believing team will reach out with further information.\n聽\nBackground\n聽\nThe King鈥檚 Seeing is Believing programme of visits is one of the most well-established and widely respected experiential leadership programmes in the UK. The Programme has been championed by HM The King for over three decades.\n聽\nOver the past thirty years\, its profound influence and extensive reach has engaged more than 25\,000 leaders. It is a unique immersive experience which provides senior leadership from businesses of all shapes and sizes with opportunities to view their business from the 鈥榦utside in鈥. It also allows them to meet and better understand those who are really struggling in life and to consider actions that can be taken to address some of the key issues facing our communities today 鈥 and in turn transform millions of lives.\n聽\nAbout the event\n聽\nThis unique programme of visits brings together CEOs and senior business leaders. in small groups to re-connect with communities across the UK. This programme is kindly supported by Salesforce and Linklaters.\n聽\nLed by Roisin Currie\, Chief Executive of Greggs\, this experiential visit will bring together prominent business leaders for The King鈥檚 Seeing is Believing event in Glasgow on 27 March 2025. The visit will bring insights into some of the key factors impacting on social mobility in our towns and cities across Scotland\, looking specifically at barriers such as food insecurity\, child poverty and the growing issue of in-work poverty and lack of opportunities for the communities living in areas of high deprivation. The visit will also explore collaborative solutions to address these challenges.\n聽\nTo help set context for the visit\, delegates are also invited to join the dinner with local stakeholders and community groups the night before the visit\, Wednesday\, 26 March\, for an opportunity to meet fellow delegates and hear from those who live and work in the city.\n聽\n\nEvent Details: \nDate and time for Seeing is Believing Visit: Thursday\, 27 March 2025 @ 09:00 鈥 15:00 \nDate and time for Pre-Visit Stakeholder Dinner: Wednesday\, 26 March 2025 @ 18:30-21:00 \nPrice: Free of charge \nLocation: Glasgow\, London \nAudience: CEO and C-Suite (by invitation only) \n\nRefreshments\n聽\nLight refreshments and a lunch break.\n聽\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n聽\n\n\nContact to book your spot or if you have any questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\n\n聽\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community\n\n\n聽 URL:/event/the-kings-seeing-is-believing-visit-in-glasgow-scotland/ LOCATION:Glasgow\, Scotland ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/32d99697402ef214eaf162920160e4df.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250327T140000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250327T160000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250310T092224Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250310T093322Z SUMMARY:Transform Your Workplace: Is Data-Driven DEI a Game Changer? DESCRIPTION:Join us for an afternoon where DEI (Diversity\, Equity\, and Inclusion) best practice will be mixed with networking and opportunities to talk through current challenges.\n\n\nThis is an in person event. \nAudience\nThis event is open to both members and non-members of 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) and has been designed for HR people/Talent management practitioners/managers. \nAbout the event聽\n\n\nJoin us for an engaging and insightful 2-hour event designed for West Midlands businesses\, focusing on the transformative power of data-driven DEI strategies. Discover how real-time analytics and measurable outcomes can enhance transparency\, build trust among employees\, and drive meaningful change in your organisation. \nThis event will feature a keynote presentation\, a panel discussion with industry experts\, and interactive table exercises to help you develop actionable DEI strategies. Don鈥檛 miss this opportunity to learn from recent case studies and best practices\, and to network with like-minded professionals committed to fostering inclusive and sustainable workplaces. \n\n\nRefreshments\nLight refreshments will be served. \n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\nContact\, Regional Lead at BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/transform-your-workplace-can-data-driven-dei-be-the-game-changer/ LOCATION:Irwin Mitchell Solicitors 20 Colmore Row 9th Floor Birmingham B4 6AH CATEGORIES:Gender Equality ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-gender1-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250401T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250401T110000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250312T120213Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250312T120447Z SUMMARY:91视频官网入口 Response Forum: Keeping Net Zero on Target DESCRIPTION:In response to recent member enquiries\, BITC is hosting a one-hour online forum to explore and discuss the challenges around Net Zero.\n\n\nAbout the event\nThe conversation around net zero targets is shifting rapidly. Sustainability leaders are feeling pressure coming from multiple angles including the changing international political landscape\, the need to deliver value for shareholders\, and evolving reporting requirements coming from the European Commission. There is also increasing scrutiny on how companies will achieve their net zero targets that they have committed to. \n聽 \nThe session will be introduced by Gudrun Cartwright\, BITC鈥檚 Climate Action Director\, before members participate in breakout rooms designed to encourage peer-to-peer learning\, discussion\, and deeper engagement. To foster an open and candid exchange\, the discussion will not be recorded and will follow Chatham House Rule. \n聽 \nThis forum offers a valuable opportunity for members to: \n\nShare insights on how businesses are affected by and responding to these challenges\nDiscuss adaptations to net zero strategies\, reporting\, and positioning\nLearn from peers about best practices and evolving approaches\n\n聽 \nWe hope you can join us for this important conversation. \n\n\nThis is an online event. \n聽 \nAudience\nThis event is open to all 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) member organisations and has been designed for Sustainability Leads. Registrations are limited to two places per organisation. \n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\nContact\, Event Manager\, BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/business-response-forum-keeping-net-zero-on-target/ LOCATION:Online event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/0811ceec268e8540ebdf90f8dcac5b8f.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250402T120000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250402T133000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250224T152641Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250224T153133Z SUMMARY:BITC Cymru Senedd Event DESCRIPTION:This is an in-person event. \n聽 \nAudience \nThis event is open to members and non-members \n聽 \nAbout the event \nJoin 91视频官网入口 in the Community at this drop-in event for an update on BITC鈥檚 work in Wales\, with a focus on their Pride of Place work tackling some of society鈥檚 biggest issues. \nSponsored by John Griffiths MS \n聽 \nBooking\, Contact Deatils and Further Information \n\nContact at BITC for any questions\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event\n\n聽 URL:/event/bitc-cymru-senedd-event/ LOCATION:Seminar Rooms\, Pierhead Building\, Cardiff\, CF10 4PZ\, United Kingdom ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/2664a6901586a9585e0c1b988c540a06.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250402T140000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250402T160000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250130T123542Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250130T124253Z SUMMARY:Cross Organisational Mentoring Circle Closing Ceremony DESCRIPTION:Join mentors and mentees of the 13th Cohort to celebrate success together.\n\n\nThis is an invite only and in-person event \nAudience\nOpen to all 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) members and non-members who have participated in the 13th Cohort of the Cross Organisational Mentorting Circle (COMC) programme. \n\n\nBackground\nCross-Organisational Mentoring Circles (COMC) creates a supportive space to connect Black\, Asian\, Mixed Race\, and other ethnically diverse employees across our Responsible 91视频官网入口 Network. \nParticipants are matched with professionals from different organisations to share experiences\, challenges\, and aspirations while working in mentoring circles. These circles are led by senior leaders from participating organisations\, who facilitate conversations and learning over a six-month period. \nThrough this programme\, your organisation can offer mentoring opportunities鈥攅ither in addition to or in place of setting up your own programme鈥攄emonstrating your commitment to race equality\, inclusion\, and workplace diversity. \n\n\nAbout the event\nThis in-person event brings mentors and mentees together as the programme draws to a close\, to celebrate success\, share experiences\, and network across all circles. \nAttendees will engage\, reflect\, and share with peers\, while also thanking those who have supported them on this journey. They will hear from fellow mentors and mentees about their experiences in the mentoring circle programme. Our programme鈥檚 strategic lead will also share her reflections and summary of the programme\, as well as guidance on the next steps for career progression following this initiative. \n\n\nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact Jessica Hart\, Events Coordinator at BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/cross-organisational-mentoring-circle-closing-ceremony/ LOCATION:London ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-leadership-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250403T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250403T110000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250204T160600Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250204T160725Z SUMMARY:Race at Work Charter Surgery April 2025 DESCRIPTION:Join this event to learn more about insights from the Race at Work Charter survey\, as well as the Diverse and Inclusive Supply Chain.\n\n\nAudience\nThis event is open to members and non-members of 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC). We also encourage those who are attending the 鈥楨xecutive Sponsors and Network Chairs鈥 Event on 21 March to attend this surgery. \n \n\n\nBackground\nThe Race at Work Charter surgeries are an opportunity for attendees to speak directly with Sandra Kerr CBE\, Race Equality Director\, BITC and ask any questions about the Charter\, the survey\, or race advisory support at BITC. \nThese surgeries benefit anyone wishing to sign or build on their organisation鈥檚 commitment to the Race at Work Charter. \nThis year our surgeries will touch on how to effectively integrate the Diverse and Inclusive Supply Chain Insights and calls to action into your existing frameworks to enhance your commitment to fairness and equality. \n\n\nAbout the webinar\nThis surgery will offer attendees a chance for discussion around the Race at Work Charter including leadership and executive sponsorship and engaging employees within organisations. Additionally\, we will touch upon the importance of a Diverse and Inclusive Supply Chain (DISC) and how it can enhance your organisation鈥檚 commitment to race equality. \nThis webinar will provide employers with a space to ask questions about the feedback available from the Race at Work Charter 2023 survey and the commitment to action that we ask of employers who have signed the Charter. We will also highlight the exciting opportunities with phase two of the Diverse and Inclusive Supply Chains project to advance the impact of inclusivity across your supply chain and organisational culture. \n\n\nAbout the Race at Work Charter\nThe Race at Work Charter is seven calls to action to ensure fairness and equality so that ethnically diverse employees are represented at all levels in an organisation. The actions include: \n\nAppoint an Executive Sponsor for race. Capture ethnicity data and publicise progress.\nCommit at board level to zero tolerance of harassment and bullying.\nMake clear that supporting equality in the workplace is the responsibility of all leaders and managers.\nTake action that supports Black\, Asian\, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse people鈥檚 career progression.\nSupport race inclusion allies in the workplace.\nInclude Black\, Asian\, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse-led enterprise owners in supply chains.\n\nLearn more about BITC鈥檚 Race at Work Charter. \n\n\n91视频官网入口 in the Community鈥檚 work on race equality\nBITC is working to ensure all employees feel they belong\, have a voice\, are valued and can be their true selves. \nFor 30 years\, BITC has been campaigning and helping organisations to ensure Black\, Asian\, Mixed Race and ethnically diverse employees are represented at all levels. \nAll organisations want to recruit from the widest talent pool and help successful applicants progress. It is key to future productivity and performance. Black\, Asian\, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse staff still encounter significant disparities in employment and progression*. The government-sponsored Race in the workplace: The McGregor-Smith Review found that greater progress and positive outcomes are needed to ensure all organisations benefit from the wealth of diverse talent and tap into the potential economic boost to the UK economy of 拢24bn annually by tackling racial disparities in the workplace and labour market . These findings and the insights from our Race at Work surveys led BITC to create the Race at Work Charter\, with 85 founding signatory organisations committed to improving equality of opportunity in the workplace. This charter now has more than 1100 signatories. \nFind out more about BITC鈥檚 work on race equality. \n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\nContact\, Events Coordinator at BITC for more information.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\n\n\nReferences\n*91视频官网入口 in the Community (2021) Race at Work 2021 Scorecard Report URL:/event/race-at-work-charter-surgery-april-2025/ LOCATION:Online event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/30bf09937971025dc3c106bc9d893863.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250408T120000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250408T130000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20240419T143554Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241212T142030Z SUMMARY:Let's Care Together - Programme Introduction (for Employers) DESCRIPTION:This webinar is for employers and wellbeing leads to introduce our new virtual befriending initiative to support carer鈥檚 wellbeing. \n\n\n\nAudience \n\n\n\nThis is a virtual event open to employers\, wellbeing leads and employee carer networks. \n\n\n\nBackground \n\n\n\n91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) and leading healthcare provider Simplyhealth\, have come together to co-create the聽Let鈥檚 Care Together聽programme. \n\n\n\nResearch shows that unpaid carers have worse wellbeing outcomes than non-carers\,聽and are likely to be time-poor due to their caring responsibilities*. The programme aims to support carers by streamlining access to resources and providing practical support across the four pillars of wellbeing: Physical\, Mental\, Social and Financial. This support will include helping people with caring responsibilities to connect with friends and family\, community groups and wider support\, find wellbeing information and gain financial confidence. \n\n\n\nOur volunteer befrienders will work on a one-to-one basis with each carer on one or all of the following\, depending on their preference: 鈥 \n\n\n\n\nIncreasing connection to their local community\, improving overall social wellbeing and reducing any feelings of isolation. 鈥媆n\n\n\nSupporting financial independence and knowledge of financial tools/support available.鈥媆n\n\n\nAccess to practical support and tools for their physical wellbeing. 鈥媆n\n\n\nBeing a regular listening ear and friendly face to offer support and guidance.鈥媆n\n\n\n\nAbout this event\n\n\n\nIn this webinar you will learn how our Let鈥檚 Care Together programme can support unpaid carers (over 18) with their wellbeing\, through pairing them with an online befriender. \n\n\n\nJoin this session to learn more about how your beneficiaries\, or colleagues with caring responsibilities could benefit from the programme. \n\n\n\nSpeakers \n\n\n\nUsha Manojkanth 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nSimon Walters 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nMichelle Brannen 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\n\n\n\nEmail\, for any further questions.\n\n\n\nThe session will take place on Teams.\n\n\n\nJoining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\n\n\n\nAbout 91视频官网入口 in the Community \n\n\n\n91视频官网入口 in the Community is the largest and longest-established movement dedicated to responsible business in the UK\, formed in 1982 and with HM The King as our Royal Founding Patron. Together with our network of businesses we are leading the UK to create a fair and sustainable world in which to live and work. \n\n\n\n*Carers UK 2022 鈥 Unpaid carers continue to suffer poorer health- with some groups adversely affected. URL:/event/lets-care-together-programme-introduction-for-employers-3/2025-04-08/ LOCATION:Online webinar CATEGORIES:Health and Wellbeing ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-lets-care-together-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250422T093000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250422T113000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250224T161239Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250224T161421Z SUMMARY:World Earth Day DESCRIPTION:To mark Earth Day\, 91视频官网入口 in the Community is hosting an event to explore how businesses can create a just transition in Wales.\n\n\nAudience\nThis event is open to both members and non-members of 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) and has been designed for HR people/Talent management practitioners/managers. \n\n\nAbout the Event\nBITC is supporting businesses to go beyond net zero\, and address social\, environmental and economic challenges in a integrated and holistic way. Upskilling the UK for a just transition is essential to achieving this. We has been engaging extensively with members to develop green skills plans\, ensure that diverse stakeholders are fully considered\, and to ensure that protecting nature and creating resilience to the impacts of climate change is embedded in business strategies. Through our Just Transition Hubs we are bringing businesses and communities together\, to design and deliver a community-led vision for a just transition across the UK. This summer we will be launching a Just Transition Self Assessment tool to support businesses in identifying and taking their next practical actions. \n \nJoin this event to: \n\nHear from a range of speakers from BITC\, our member businesses\, and government as we consider diverse perspectives on what makes a Just Transition\nGet insight into how businesses are acting on this agenda\, and what is possible\nConsider how BITC鈥檚 tools can align with\, and support the implementation of\, the Welsh Government鈥檚 Just Transition Framework. URL:/event/world-earth-day/ LOCATION:Cardiff 91视频官网入口 School\, Colum Drive\, Cardiff\, Wales\, CF10 3EU\, United Kingdom ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/f3d9917da4136d9608af933f4aaca6f1.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250422T120000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250422T130000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20240419T143554Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241212T142030Z SUMMARY:Let's Care Together - Programme Introduction (for Employers) DESCRIPTION:This webinar is for employers and wellbeing leads to introduce our new virtual befriending initiative to support carer鈥檚 wellbeing. \n\n\n\nAudience \n\n\n\nThis is a virtual event open to employers\, wellbeing leads and employee carer networks. \n\n\n\nBackground \n\n\n\n91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) and leading healthcare provider Simplyhealth\, have come together to co-create the聽Let鈥檚 Care Together聽programme. \n\n\n\nResearch shows that unpaid carers have worse wellbeing outcomes than non-carers\,聽and are likely to be time-poor due to their caring responsibilities*. The programme aims to support carers by streamlining access to resources and providing practical support across the four pillars of wellbeing: Physical\, Mental\, Social and Financial. This support will include helping people with caring responsibilities to connect with friends and family\, community groups and wider support\, find wellbeing information and gain financial confidence. \n\n\n\nOur volunteer befrienders will work on a one-to-one basis with each carer on one or all of the following\, depending on their preference: 鈥 \n\n\n\n\nIncreasing connection to their local community\, improving overall social wellbeing and reducing any feelings of isolation. 鈥媆n\n\n\nSupporting financial independence and knowledge of financial tools/support available.鈥媆n\n\n\nAccess to practical support and tools for their physical wellbeing. 鈥媆n\n\n\nBeing a regular listening ear and friendly face to offer support and guidance.鈥媆n\n\n\n\nAbout this event\n\n\n\nIn this webinar you will learn how our Let鈥檚 Care Together programme can support unpaid carers (over 18) with their wellbeing\, through pairing them with an online befriender. \n\n\n\nJoin this session to learn more about how your beneficiaries\, or colleagues with caring responsibilities could benefit from the programme. \n\n\n\nSpeakers \n\n\n\nUsha Manojkanth 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nSimon Walters 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nMichelle Brannen 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\n\n\n\nEmail\, for any further questions.\n\n\n\nThe session will take place on Teams.\n\n\n\nJoining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\n\n\n\nAbout 91视频官网入口 in the Community \n\n\n\n91视频官网入口 in the Community is the largest and longest-established movement dedicated to responsible business in the UK\, formed in 1982 and with HM The King as our Royal Founding Patron. Together with our network of businesses we are leading the UK to create a fair and sustainable world in which to live and work. \n\n\n\n*Carers UK 2022 鈥 Unpaid carers continue to suffer poorer health- with some groups adversely affected. URL:/event/lets-care-together-programme-introduction-for-employers-3/2025-04-22/ LOCATION:Online webinar CATEGORIES:Health and Wellbeing ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-lets-care-together-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250423T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250423T120000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250203T123214Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250203T123819Z SUMMARY:Staff Networks Get Together: building an inclusive workplace DESCRIPTION:An exciting chance for Staff Network members focused on inclusion to connect with members from other businesses鈥 networks.\n\n\nThis is an in-person event \nAudience\nHR/Talent Management Directors/practitioners/managers\, Open to all 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) members and non-members. \n\n\nBackground\nIt was fed back by the auidence at our Race events in June 2024 that there was currently no opportunity for staff networks to socialise with staff networks from other businesses and BITC had a unique opportunity to create such an event. \n\n\nAbout the event\nJoin other Staff Network members\, leads and executive sponsors focused on building an inclusive workplace from across BITC鈥檚 membership in Scotland\, to share their experience of best practice and challenges. \nBe inspired by our speakers who will discuss latest trends and themes and provide guidance on how to have greater impact with the activity your network deliver. \nEngage with and learn from BITC issue experts on how to implement best practice in your business through interactive breakout discussions. \n\n\nRefreshments\nTea\, coffee and refreshments will be provided. \n\n\nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact Annette Ettarh\, Events Manager at BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/staff-networks-get-together-building-a-more-inclusive-workplace/ LOCATION:Glasgow ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-leadership-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250429T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250429T113000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250224T154210Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250224T154648Z SUMMARY:Peer Learning Forum: Responsible 91视频官网入口 Case DESCRIPTION:In this interactive peer-learning forum\, we鈥檒l explore how to build a compelling business case for responsibility.\n\n\nThis is an online event. \nAudience\n91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) members who have advisory in their membership package. Our Peer Learning Forums (PLF) are now open to all members who have advisory in their membership package 鈥 hosted by our issue experts\, there are 20 forums a year\, covering a range of responsible business areas and enabling our members to discuss challenges\, solutions and ideas. \nThis event is especially suited to managers and practitioners working in Responsible 91视频官网入口/ ESG. \n\n\nBackground\nIn today鈥檚 fast-changing world\, responsibility isn鈥檛 just the right thing to do鈥攊t鈥檚 a strategic advantage. A strong business case helps companies secure investment\, drive innovation\, and build long-term resilience. \nCompanies that integrate responsibility into their strategy see higher financial returns\, stronger stakeholder trust\, and a lasting competitive edge. Customers\, investors\, and employees are demanding it鈥攁re you ready? \nWe鈥檙e excited to welcome Wendy Carter\, Responsible 91视频官网入口 Lead at Leeds Building Society\, who will share expert insights on embedding responsibility into business strategy and driving measurable impact. \n聽 \n\n\nAbout the event\nIn this interactive peer-learning forum\, we鈥檒l explore how to build a compelling business case for responsibility. Through real-world insights\, success stories\, and breakout discussions\, you鈥檒l connect with like-minded professionals and gain the tools to turn responsibility into a driver of growth\, impact\, and resilience. \n\n\nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact to inquire about event registration\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/peer-learning-forum-responsible-business-case/ LOCATION:Online webinar\, United Kingdom ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/6624f0cc0c609406d9372be9e25d19c7.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250430T080000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250430T093000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20240708T152741Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250123T121003Z SUMMARY:CEO Leadership Forum Breakfast DESCRIPTION:This event provides the opportunity to share your experiences\, successes and ideas regarding鈥痶he key challenges facing the world and society. \n\n\n\nThis is an in person event. \n\n\n\nAudience\n\n\n\nThis event is by invitation only and for CEOs. \n\n\n\nBackground\n\n\n\nAs part of 91视频官网入口 in the Community鈥檚 work in supporting businesses to drive transformation at pace and scale in our communities\, we are holding a series of CEO Leadership Forum Breakfast events. \n\n\n\nAbout the event\n\n\n\nThese informal\, private discussions over breakfast will form a key part of the national conversation initiated by BITC鈥檚 Lifting up the UK: State of the Nation 2024 report\, which detailed the thoughts of the leaders of some of the UK鈥檚 largest businesses on what has been done and what is still needed to change the world around us. As such\, they provide CEOs with the opportunity to share their experiences\, successes and ideas regarding key challenges in the world and society today\, as well as the action that can collectively be taken to make a positive difference and change the world around us. \n\n\n\nIf you are unable to join this date we are also holding more breakfasts in the coming months\, to join another date instead\, click here. \n\n\n\nTo join us at a CEO Leadership Forum Dinner instead\, click here. \n\n\n\nRefreshments\n\n\n\nBreakfast will be served. \n\n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\n\n\n\nContact Fiona Macleod\, Head of Events at BITC for any further questions.\n\n\n\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\n\n\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/ceo-leadership-forum-breakfasts/2025-04-30/ LOCATION:London CATEGORIES:Responsible 91视频官网入口 and Strategy ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-leadership-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250430T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250430T133000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250115T152402Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250116T165506Z SUMMARY:Employee Networks Forum DESCRIPTION:Join us to celebrate and elevate the work of Employee Networks from across the UK and come together to discuss the impact they are making.\n\n\nThis is an in-person event \nAudience\nThis event is open to Employee Network Chairs/Co-Chairs\, DEI and HR Practitioners\, Leaders\, and Executive Network Sponsors. It is designed for everyone leading\, involved in\, working with\, and/or supporting the work of Employee Networks \n\n\nBackground\nEmployee networks play a crucial role in fostering inclusive workplace cultures and have become vital to organisation鈥檚 Diversity\, Equity and Inclusion ambitions. They provide a platform for diverse voices and drive organizational change. \nThe Employee Networks Forum 2025 aims to empower those involved in these networks\, offering insights\, strategies\, and connections to enhance their effectiveness. \nERGs serve as important catalysts for community building within organizations. According to a McKinsey report (1) from 2022 on employee networks\, 66% of employees believe that their ERG is effective at fostering a sense of community. \nBITC has been training\, supporting\, and working with hundreds of employee networks. This summit has come about based on a need of bringing together network leads and creating a space for exchange\, collaboration\, peer support\, and best practice insights. \n(1) Mckinsey report (2022) \n\n\nAbout This event\nFrom fostering inclusivity\, advancing diversity to driving innovation\, advocacy and action\, many organisations in the UK would not be where they are today if it wasn鈥檛 for the relentless and passionate work of employee networks. \nThe Employee Networks Forum 2025 is the premier gathering for professionals leading and supporting employee networks. It鈥檚 a celebration of the impact employee networks have had on workplaces from across the country. \nAttendees will gain actionable insights from industry leaders\, access the latest best practice\, and network with peers. This summit will provide the space\, tools and guidance to harness the full potential of employee networks. \nAgenda\n9.30am: Arrive from this time \n10.00: Keynote Session \n10.45: Breakout Session 1 \n11.15: Break \n11.30: Breakout Session 2 \n12.15pm: Insights session \n12.45 -1.30: Networking Lunch \n\n\nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact\, Events Coordinator at BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/employee-networks-forum/ LOCATION:London ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/367b40e24503b9feb4fba15128bc2e83.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250506T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250506T113000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201242 CREATED:20250221T123421Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250221T123652Z SUMMARY:Nature and Resilience Insight Series DESCRIPTION:This series will help businesses act on nature stewardship\, connecting the dots with carbon\, biodiversity\, and resilience.\n\n\nThis is an online event. \nAudience\nThis series is open to 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) members and non members. \n\n\nAbout the event\nSession One- Introduction to adaptation and TNFD \nThis introductory session will examine the relationship between climate and nature\, with a focus on the role of international frameworks such as the Taskforce for Nature-related Financial Disclosures. \n\n\nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact \, Event Manager\, BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/nature-and-resilience-insight-series/ LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Environment ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-environment4-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250507T120000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250507T130000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201243 CREATED:20240419T143554Z LAST-MODIFIED:20241212T142030Z SUMMARY:Let's Care Together - Programme Introduction (for Employers) DESCRIPTION:This webinar is for employers and wellbeing leads to introduce our new virtual befriending initiative to support carer鈥檚 wellbeing. \n\n\n\nAudience \n\n\n\nThis is a virtual event open to employers\, wellbeing leads and employee carer networks. \n\n\n\nBackground \n\n\n\n91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) and leading healthcare provider Simplyhealth\, have come together to co-create the聽Let鈥檚 Care Together聽programme. \n\n\n\nResearch shows that unpaid carers have worse wellbeing outcomes than non-carers\,聽and are likely to be time-poor due to their caring responsibilities*. The programme aims to support carers by streamlining access to resources and providing practical support across the four pillars of wellbeing: Physical\, Mental\, Social and Financial. This support will include helping people with caring responsibilities to connect with friends and family\, community groups and wider support\, find wellbeing information and gain financial confidence. \n\n\n\nOur volunteer befrienders will work on a one-to-one basis with each carer on one or all of the following\, depending on their preference: 鈥 \n\n\n\n\nIncreasing connection to their local community\, improving overall social wellbeing and reducing any feelings of isolation. 鈥媆n\n\n\nSupporting financial independence and knowledge of financial tools/support available.鈥媆n\n\n\nAccess to practical support and tools for their physical wellbeing. 鈥媆n\n\n\nBeing a regular listening ear and friendly face to offer support and guidance.鈥媆n\n\n\n\nAbout this event\n\n\n\nIn this webinar you will learn how our Let鈥檚 Care Together programme can support unpaid carers (over 18) with their wellbeing\, through pairing them with an online befriender. \n\n\n\nJoin this session to learn more about how your beneficiaries\, or colleagues with caring responsibilities could benefit from the programme. \n\n\n\nSpeakers \n\n\n\nUsha Manojkanth 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nSimon Walters 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nMichelle Brannen 鈥 BITC Programme Manager \n\n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\n\n\n\nEmail\, for any further questions.\n\n\n\nThe session will take place on Teams.\n\n\n\nJoining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\n\n\n\nAbout 91视频官网入口 in the Community \n\n\n\n91视频官网入口 in the Community is the largest and longest-established movement dedicated to responsible business in the UK\, formed in 1982 and with HM The King as our Royal Founding Patron. Together with our network of businesses we are leading the UK to create a fair and sustainable world in which to live and work. \n\n\n\n*Carers UK 2022 鈥 Unpaid carers continue to suffer poorer health- with some groups adversely affected. URL:/event/lets-care-together-programme-introduction-for-employers-3/2025-05-07/ LOCATION:Online webinar CATEGORIES:Health and Wellbeing ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-lets-care-together-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250508T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250508T113000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201243 CREATED:20250220T094726Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250220T105834Z SUMMARY:Peer Learning Forum: Carbon Reduction or a Just Transition DESCRIPTION:Join us to discuss practical strategies for making this transition not only possible but just for all.\n\n\nThis is an online event. \nAudience\n91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) members who have advisory in their membership package. Our Peer Learning Forums (PLF) are now open to all members who have advisory in their membership package 鈥 hosted by our issue experts\, there are 20 forums a year\, covering a range of responsible business areas and enabling our members to discuss challenges\, solutions and ideas. \n\n\nAbout the event\nAs the world grapples with the urgent need for climate action\, the conversation must go beyond simply reducing emissions. A Just Transition ensures that the shift towards a sustainable future is inclusive\, fair\, and considers the needs of workers and communities\, as well as considering those who have been previously excluded from the labour market. \nThis Peer Learning Forum will explore how we can move from a mindset of mere reduction to a holistic transition鈥攐ne that prioritises social equity\, economic resilience\, and environmental sustainability. \nThis event is part of a two-part series\, with the second Peer Learning Forum taking place on 10th June\, 鈥楨nsuring a Just Transition.鈥 \n\n\nAbout 91视频官网入口 in the Community鈥檚 Peer Learning Forums\nBITC鈥檚 Peer Learning Forums provide a confidential environment to discuss common issues\, solutions\, and good practice. There will be an emphasis on discussion and sharing experiences. All contributions from businesses will be confidential within the group and won鈥檛 be shared externally by BITC. \nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact Jessica Hart\, Event Coordinator\, BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/peer-learning-forum-carbon-reduction-or-a-just-transition/ LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Environment ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-environment-plf1-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250514T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250514T110000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201243 CREATED:20250204T160135Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250204T160629Z SUMMARY:Race at Work Charter Surgery May 2025 DESCRIPTION:Join this event to learn more about insights from the Race at Work Charter survey\, as well as the Diverse and Inclusive Supply Chain.\n\n\nAudience\nThis event is open to members and non-members of 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC). We also encourage those who are attending the 鈥楨xecutive Sponsors and Network Chairs鈥 Event on 21 March to attend this surgery. \n \n\n\nBackground\nThe Race at Work Charter surgeries are an opportunity for attendees to speak directly with Sandra Kerr CBE\, Race Equality Director\, BITC and ask any questions about the Charter\, the survey\, or race advisory support at BITC. \nThese surgeries benefit anyone wishing to sign or build on their organisation鈥檚 commitment to the Race at Work Charter. \nThis year our surgeries will touch on how to effectively integrate the Diverse and Inclusive Supply Chain Insights and calls to action into your existing frameworks to enhance your commitment to fairness and equality. \n\n\nAbout the webinar\nThis surgery will offer attendees a chance for discussion around the Race at Work Charter including leadership and executive sponsorship and engaging employees within organisations. Additionally\, we will touch upon the importance of a Diverse and Inclusive Supply Chain (DISC) and how it can enhance your organisation鈥檚 commitment to race equality. \nThis webinar will provide employers with a space to ask questions about the feedback available from the Race at Work Charter 2023 survey and the commitment to action that we ask of employers who have signed the Charter. We will also highlight the exciting opportunities with phase two of the Diverse and Inclusive Supply Chains project to advance the impact of inclusivity across your supply chain and organisational culture. \n\n\nAbout the Race at Work Charter\nThe Race at Work Charter is seven calls to action to ensure fairness and equality so that ethnically diverse employees are represented at all levels in an organisation. The actions include: \n\nAppoint an Executive Sponsor for race. Capture ethnicity data and publicise progress.\nCommit at board level to zero tolerance of harassment and bullying.\nMake clear that supporting equality in the workplace is the responsibility of all leaders and managers.\nTake action that supports Black\, Asian\, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse people鈥檚 career progression.\nSupport race inclusion allies in the workplace.\nInclude Black\, Asian\, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse-led enterprise owners in supply chains.\n\nLearn more about BITC鈥檚 Race at Work Charter. \n\n\n91视频官网入口 in the Community鈥檚 work on race equality\nBITC is working to ensure all employees feel they belong\, have a voice\, are valued and can be their true selves. \nFor 30 years\, BITC has been campaigning and helping organisations to ensure Black\, Asian\, Mixed Race and ethnically diverse employees are represented at all levels. \nAll organisations want to recruit from the widest talent pool and help successful applicants progress. It is key to future productivity and performance. Black\, Asian\, Mixed Race and other ethnically diverse staff still encounter significant disparities in employment and progression*. The government-sponsored Race in the workplace: The McGregor-Smith Review found that greater progress and positive outcomes are needed to ensure all organisations benefit from the wealth of diverse talent and tap into the potential economic boost to the UK economy of 拢24bn annually by tackling racial disparities in the workplace and labour market . These findings and the insights from our Race at Work surveys led BITC to create the Race at Work Charter\, with 85 founding signatory organisations committed to improving equality of opportunity in the workplace. This charter now has more than 1100 signatories. \nFind out more about BITC鈥檚 work on race equality. \n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\nContact\, Events Coordinator at BITC for more information.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\n\n\nReferences\n*91视频官网入口 in the Community (2021) Race at Work 2021 Scorecard Report URL:/event/race-at-work-charter-surgery-may-2025/ LOCATION:Online event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/30bf09937971025dc3c106bc9d893863.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250520T080000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250520T093000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201243 CREATED:20240708T152741Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250123T121003Z SUMMARY:CEO Leadership Forum Breakfast DESCRIPTION:This event provides the opportunity to share your experiences\, successes and ideas regarding鈥痶he key challenges facing the world and society. \n\n\n\nThis is an in person event. \n\n\n\nAudience\n\n\n\nThis event is by invitation only and for CEOs. \n\n\n\nBackground\n\n\n\nAs part of 91视频官网入口 in the Community鈥檚 work in supporting businesses to drive transformation at pace and scale in our communities\, we are holding a series of CEO Leadership Forum Breakfast events. \n\n\n\nAbout the event\n\n\n\nThese informal\, private discussions over breakfast will form a key part of the national conversation initiated by BITC鈥檚 Lifting up the UK: State of the Nation 2024 report\, which detailed the thoughts of the leaders of some of the UK鈥檚 largest businesses on what has been done and what is still needed to change the world around us. As such\, they provide CEOs with the opportunity to share their experiences\, successes and ideas regarding key challenges in the world and society today\, as well as the action that can collectively be taken to make a positive difference and change the world around us. \n\n\n\nIf you are unable to join this date we are also holding more breakfasts in the coming months\, to join another date instead\, click here. \n\n\n\nTo join us at a CEO Leadership Forum Dinner instead\, click here. \n\n\n\nRefreshments\n\n\n\nBreakfast will be served. \n\n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\n\n\n\nContact Fiona Macleod\, Head of Events at BITC for any further questions.\n\n\n\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\n\n\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/ceo-leadership-forum-breakfasts/2025-05-20/ LOCATION:London CATEGORIES:Responsible 91视频官网入口 and Strategy ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-leadership-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250520T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250520T113000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201243 CREATED:20250312T132610Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250312T132900Z SUMMARY:Peer Learning Forum: Fostering Cross Cultural Awareness DESCRIPTION:Join us to explore how we can create inclusive workplaces through cross-cultural understanding.\n\n\nThis is an online event. \n聽 \nAudience\n91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) members who have advisory in their membership package. Our Peer Learning Forums (PLF) are now open to all members who have advisory in their membership package 鈥 hosted by our issue experts\, there are 20 forums a year\, covering a range of responsible business areas and enabling our members to discuss challenges\, solutions and ideas. \n\n\nAbout the event\nThis Peer Learning Forum will bring together HR\, D&I and Wellbeing practitioners to examine the relevance of cross-cultural understanding in today鈥檚 world and what workplaces can do to foster cultural inclusion within their workforces.There have been riots in more than 20 places across Britain\, from Sunderland in northeast England and Manchester in the northwest\, to Plymouth in the southwest and Belfast in Northern Ireland. Most of the protests have involved a few hundred people targeting migrants or Muslims within communities. \n聽 \nJoin to鈥︹ Explore how culture fits into Inclusion strategies.鈥 Discuss the importance of workplace communities and cross-cultural conversations \nYou will have a chance to hear from our expert race advisers as well as hear learnings and challenges from organisations with established cultural inclusion work. \n\n\nAbout 91视频官网入口 in the Community鈥檚 Peer Learning Forums\nBITC鈥檚 Peer Learning Forums provide a confidential environment to discuss common issues\, solutions\, and good practice. There will be an emphasis on discussion and sharing experiences. All contributions from businesses will be confidential within the group and won鈥檛 be shared externally by BITC. \n聽 \nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact \, Event Coordinator\, BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/peer-learning-forum-fostering-cross-cultural-awareness/ LOCATION:Online event ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/03/535b59b330f043c3440cc58bd3e9f2ee.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250522T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250522T163000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201243 CREATED:20250115T145337Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250115T151333Z SUMMARY:Pride of Place Summit DESCRIPTION:Join our inaugural Pride of Place Summit to explore the potential of place-based regeneration in transforming and revitalising communities.\n\n\nThis is an in person event. \nAudience\nThis event is open to members and non-members of 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC). Suitable for both senior leaders and practitioners from across sectors and those involved in place-based regeneration. \n\n\nEvent details\n91视频官网入口 and the Community and Aviva are delighted to invite you to our inaugural Pride of Place Summit. The Pride of Place Summit brings together leaders to tackle the issues of inequalities in places that matter across the UK. Through convening leaders in this space from across sectors to share knowledge and experience\, we can build our understanding of what the most challenging issues that our communities are facing and discuss how we can work together to overcome these challenges and drive action as a collective. \nThis interactive day including powerful key note speakers\, panels and a variety of different breakout sessions will provide you with an opportunity to network\, share your knowledge and experience and drive action towards transforming place-based regeneration across the UK. \n\n\nBackground\nBITC are currently on a mission to help places across the UK take ownership of their futures and tackle their most pressing challenges. Working across sectors and in partnership with other organisations\, we want to achieve an ambition of transformative and sustainable change in 50 places across the UK by 2032. \nWe can鈥檛 do this alone\, which is why we are convening leaders in this space from across sectors to share their knowledge and experience and drive action as a collective \n\n\nRefreshments\nTea\, coffee and a light lunch will be served. \n\n\nBooking\, contact details and further information\n\nContact for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/pride-of-place-summit/ LOCATION:Manchester ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/jpeg:/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/8c04e312f34e6fda047cd90e6f73371e.jpg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250603T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250603T113000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201243 CREATED:20250221T123735Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250221T124013Z SUMMARY:Nature and Resilience Insight Series DESCRIPTION:This series will help businesses act on nature stewardship\, connecting the dots with carbon\, biodiversity\, and resilience.\n\n\nThis is an online event. \nAudience\nThis series is open to 91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) members and non-members. \n\n\nAbout the event\nSession Two- Links to social value and activities \nIn this session participants will explore the connections between ecosystems and social value obligations\, gaining an understanding of the benefits they bring to businesses\, communities\, and customers.They will also begin evaluating current activities and researching new interventions with a range of stakeholders. \n\n\nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact \, Event Manager\, BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/nature-and-resilience-insight-series-2/ LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Environment ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-environment4-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250610T100000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250610T113000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201243 CREATED:20250220T095136Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250220T105736Z SUMMARY:Peer Learning Forum: Ensuring a Just Transition DESCRIPTION:Join us to discuss strategies\, best practices\, and real-world examples of businesses making Just Transition a reality.\n\n\nThis is an online event. \nAudience\n91视频官网入口 in the Community (BITC) members who have advisory in their membership package. Our Peer Learning Forums (PLF) are now open to all members who have advisory in their membership package 鈥 hosted by our issue experts\, there are 20 forums a year\, covering a range of responsible business areas and enabling our members to discuss challenges\, solutions and ideas. \n\n\nAbout the event\nAs businesses navigate the shift to net zero\, ensuring that the transition is not only sustainable but also fair is critical. A Just Transition requires active engagement with all stakeholders鈥攚orkers\, communities\, investors\, and policymakers. \nThis event will explore how businesses can lead in stakeholder engagement 鈥 ensuring that communities grow alongside them. By engaging stakeholders early and meaningfully\, companies can drive innovation\, minimise risks\, and create long-term value while ensuring no one is left behind. \nThis event is part of a two-part series\, with the preceding Peer Learning Forum taking place on 8 May\, 鈥楥arbon Reduction or a Just Transition鈥. \n\n\nAbout 91视频官网入口 in the Community鈥檚 Peer Learning Forums\nBITC鈥檚 Peer Learning Forums provide a confidential environment to discuss common issues\, solutions\, and good practice. There will be an emphasis on discussion and sharing experiences. All contributions from businesses will be confidential within the group and won鈥檛 be shared externally by BITC. \nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact Jessica Hart\, Event Coordinator\, BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/peer-learning-forum-ensuring-a-just-transition/ LOCATION:Online CATEGORIES:Environment ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-environment-plf1-nov24.png END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20250617T080000 DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20250617T093000 DTSTAMP:20250312T201243 CREATED:20250203T092331Z LAST-MODIFIED:20250203T092926Z SUMMARY:CEO Leadership Forum Breakfast - June DESCRIPTION:This event provides the opportunity to share your experiences\, successes and ideas regarding鈥痶he key challenges facing the world and society.\n\n\nThis is an in person event. \nAudience\nThis event is by invitation only and for CEOs. \n\n\nBackground\nAs part of 91视频官网入口 in the Community鈥檚 work in supporting businesses to drive transformation at pace and scale in our communities\, we are holding a series of CEO Leadership Forum Breakfast events. \n\n\nAbout the event\nThese informal\, private discussions over breakfast will form a key part of the national conversation initiated by BITC鈥檚 Lifting up the UK: State of the Nation 2024 report\, which detailed the thoughts of the leaders of some of the UK鈥檚 largest businesses on what has been done and what is still needed to change the world around us. As such\, they provide CEOs with the opportunity to share their experiences\, successes and ideas regarding key challenges in the world and society today\, as well as the action that can collectively be taken to make a positive difference and change the world around us. \n\n\nRefreshments\nBreakfast will be served. \n\n\nBooking and contact details and further information\n\nContact at Fiona Macleod\, Head of Events at BITC for any further questions.\nFull joining instructions will be sent before the event.\n\nFind out how your organisation can become a member of 91视频官网入口 in the Community URL:/event/ceo-leadership-forum-breakfast-june/ LOCATION:London ATTACH;FMTTYPE=image/png:/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/bitc-image-event-leadership-nov24.png END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR